Raising money for the Red Cross
The world is a rough and tumble place often just outside our front door, and that's one of the reasons I enjoy working with the Red Cross, because they are responding first to natural disasters, blood drives and the need to feed the hungry, but they also help worldwide with issues that we might not see happening in front of us but the Red Cross is there to making a difference. They are on the front lines helping right now around the world where the help is needed. Working directly with the affect families, and supplying medical personal as well as equipment need to save lives. If you find yourself in a place that can help any amount will be greatly appreciated.
To be clear I do not have any interaction with the money that is raised it goes directly to the Red Cross. I have not part in the collecting or transferring of money.
Click the link below to make a donation today and again thank you!
A documentary about the struggles of addiction and finding oneself
With this next big adventure of mine I wanted to something different, I want to show case the healing powers of the outdoors, how they can give your life meaning and fulfillment like it has for me. Showing how a community of like minded people can influence positive change in your life. Leading to the building of a lifestyle that serves your soul and not the expectations of society. This project will begin out on the trail in New Zealand but it will surly end back at home gathering more interviews and insight from the people that know me best. Stay tuned as I will be sharing short clips of potential segments of the documentary.